Why choosing De Tullio Law Firm
Released on: October 20, 2008, 11:33 pm
Press Release Author: De Tullio Law Firm
Industry: Law
Press Release Summary: The various non independent parties involved in your transaction might not have an interest in telling you all the truth because they have a financial interest in the sale.
Press Release Body: We are a well respected, multilingual Law Firm. We provide strong cross-cultural expertise in all aspects of residential and commercial real estate across Italy. De Tullio Law Firm will manage the entire convincing process for you in conjunction with the estate. Here are some examples of our services: • We will help you negotiating the terms of the offer. Instructing a lawyer from the early stages of your real estate transaction can often lead to a reduction of the price of the property. • We will draft or examine your “Reservation Offer” (proposal irrevocable d’acquisto” • If requested we will appoint a local land surveyor (Geometra) to carry out preliminary structural survey of the property. We can also liaise with the Geometra in order to give you an answer to all your questions on the property. • We will draft or examine your “Preliminary Contract” (contralto preliminaries) • After the signature of the Preliminary Contract we will carry out a complete due diligence to verify that everything stated in the contract is correct; check the legal title of the property to make sure the Vendor has full right to sell. • We will also check the absence or pre-emption rights in favour of third parties • We will make enquiries in order to ensure the absence of liens, encumbrances and rights of way in favour of third parties. • We can suggest you a Notary public and work in conjunction with him throughout the sale
We work with transparent fixed fees calculated in accordance with the value of the property. Our fees are normally equivalent to 1% of the value of the property. For transaction up to Euro 100.000 we will charge 1.000 Euro.
If you are considering buying a property in Italy please feel free to contact us. We speak your same language, we understand your needs and your worries, and we are ready to work side by side with you in order to make your conveyance as smooth as possible. Write By, Avvocato Giandomenico De Tullio (partner) De Tullio Law Firm http://www.detulliolawfirm.com http://www.trullo-bello.com
Web Site: http://www.detulliolawfirm.com
Contact Details: Avvocato Giandomenico De Tullio (partner) De Tullio Law Firm http://www.detulliolawfirm.com http://www.trullo-bello.com info@detulliolawfirm.com Corso Italia, 22 - 74015 | Martina Franca (TA) PUGLIA (ITALY) Tel. +39 380.41.23.803 | Fax. +39
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